The Litter Lout’s Choice Awards – results now out!


We’re proud to announce the first results of the inaugural Litter Lout’s Choice Awards (Central Scotland, Stirling City Region – Beverages category).

unsorted litter (Stirling, back walk)

In the Beverages category, we saw strong competition from a wide range of entrants representing recyclabe packaging including tetrapacks, plastic bottles, cans and glass.  High-performing entrants included bottled water, flavoured milk, irn bru, Mad Dog 2020, Buckfast and various brands of vodka.

sorted litter (Stirling back walk)

We were also lucky enough to host a surprise appearance by old favourite Matteus Rose! However, in the Stirling City Region, the 2020/21 period saw two outstanding performers who fully deserve their status as Litter Lout’s Choice (Runner-Up) and Litter Lout’s Choice (Winner).

The runner-up prize goes to … Purple Strongbow!

This year's runner up - Purple Strongbow!

Outstripping even Purple Strongbow with an exceptional performance at the very highest levels of littering, we are proud to announce the overall winner in the Beverages category … Dragon Soop!!!

An outstanding performance from overall winner, Dragon Soop

And we’re glad to see these two champions celebrating their success together.

A pair of champions

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